Other Treatment Options for Upper Limb Loss

There are several treatment options available to those who do not pursue hand/arm transplantation. Learn more about these different options.

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Cosmetic Prostheses

Myoelectric Prostheses


Body-Powered Prostheses

Switch and Pressure Sensors

No Prosthesis

Electric Prostheses


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Videos of Health Care Professionals

Dr. Scott Tintle, Chief of Hand Surgery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, lists various treatment options for hand/arm amputation.

David Rotter, Prosthetist at David Rotter Prosthetics, Ltd., outlines different types of prosthetics.

Dr. Gregory Dumanian, Chief of Plastic Surgery at Northwestern University, describes targeted muscle re-innervation.

David Rotter, Prosthetist at David Rotter Prosthetics, Ltd., talks about different options for people with hand/arm amputations.

Videos of Hand/Arm Transplant Recipients and People with Limb Loss

Mr. St. Onge, with bilateral, below-elbow limb loss (21 years after amputation), talks about how hand/arm transplantation compares to prosthetics, such as body-powered and myoelectric.